Your Tax Questions, Answered

Read Our Blog

Our blog has basic information to get you started to understand tax items related to your situation.

Can an Expat claim money sent to parents and/or grandparents in their home country?

Yes, this can be claimed as a tax deductible expense.  However, you need to demonstrate that your parents and/or grandparents do not have sufficient income themselves and depend on your support. You will need to complete the attached form and have it certified in the country where your parents/grandparents live. Download the application here: Unterhaltserklaerung…


Are services in the private household tax-deductible?

There are some expenses in your private household, which could qualify for a tax benefit. You would have to pay someone for taking over jobs in your private household, which are very typical and normally done by yourself or a member of your family.


Application for Kindergeld

Children up to the age of 18 qualify for Kindergeld. Are your children still in education, they even qualify longer up to the age of 25. Currently the monthly payments are 250 € for each child. Do you already receive child benefits from another country and the amounts are smaller? In this case you would…


What is the Capital Gains Tax Rate in Germany?

There is no separate tax on capital gains. Capital gains are subject to income tax as regular income however: there is no capital gains tax on a property used as a private home there is no capital gains tax on a  property held for more than 10 years capital gains on shares are taxed at a…


Can I Get German Pension Contributions Refunded After I Leave Germany?

The most frequent situation we come across for the purposes of getting German pension contributions refunded is the following: – You have worked in Germany as a regular employee for less than 60 months – You have paid into the German pension system during this time – You do not hold an EU citizenship – You…


Can An Expat Claim Relocation Expenses When Moving To Germany?

If you can show that you relocated for work purposes you can make a claim for your relocation expenses. In most cases it is sufficient to show that you took up work in Germany within a reasonable period after relocating. You can claim the cost of transport for yourself and all members of your family…
