Your Tax Questions, Answered

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Our blog has basic information to get you started to understand tax items related to your situation.

Useful Links and Agencies for Expats

We have tried our very best to find as many useful links in the English language as possible. Unfortunately the majority of links are still in German. We felt these links can still be of value to you, as knowing where to find the information you were looking for is half the battle. Hopefully you have…


How Does Marriage Affect Taxes in Germany for Expats?

In most cases getting married is relevant for tax purposes. Married couples can file a joint income tax return (they can also opt to file separate returns and they can exercise this option from year to year). If one spouse is on a higher level of income than the other spouse it is beneficial to…


How to Obtain and Use A “Lohnsteuerkarte” Tax Card

The “Lohnsteuerkarte” tax card was disposed at the beginning of 2013 and replaced by the “ElektronischeLohnsteuerAbzugsMerkmale” (ELStAM). ELStAM contains information whether you are married, what tax class you are in, whether you have children and whether you are paying church tax. Each employer has monthly access to this information to be able to work out…


Tax Rates on Income In Germany

Annual income of less than 9,984 € is not taxed at all. Income tax starts with 14.00% and gradually goes up to 42.00% (top tax rate applies to taxable income of more than 58,597 €). The amounts double for married couples filing joint returns. As your income goes up, the tax rates go up. This…


When Are Tax Returns Due?

An income tax return has to be filed by July 31st for the previous year. If you work with an accountant you will automatically get an extension until the end of February of the following year, so in total there are 14 months to submit the tax return. There is no possibility to file for…


Getting Started with German Freelancer Taxes

To get started with German Freelancer taxes, you need to register with your local Finanzamt as “selbständig”. You can find the required registration form at: Your Finanzamt will then issue a tax number for you. Your Finanzamt will ask you to submit monthly VAT returns (unless you are registered as a “Kleinunternehmer”).You will have…


German Income Tax Calculator

This program  is a German Income Tax Calculator for singles as well as married couples for the years 1999 until 2022. Note: This Income Tax Calculator is best suited if you only have income as self employed, from a trade or from a rental property. If you receive a salary only as an employee on a German payroll…


German Wage Tax Calculator

This program is a German Wage Tax Calculator for singles as well as married couples for the years 2010 until 2022. Note: This Wage Tax Calculator is best suited if you receive a salary only as an employee on a German payroll. If you only have income as self employed, from a trade or from…


Can an Expat claim money sent to parents and/or grandparents in their home country?

Yes, this can be claimed as a tax deductible expense.  However, you need to demonstrate that your parents and/or grandparents do not have sufficient income themselves and depend on your support. You will need to complete the attached form and have it certified in the country where your parents/grandparents live. Download the application here: Unterhaltserklaerung…


Are services in the private household tax-deductible?

There are some expenses in your private household, which could qualify for a tax benefit. You would have to pay someone for taking over jobs in your private household, which are very typical and normally done by yourself or a member of your family.


Application for Kindergeld

Children up to the age of 18 qualify for Kindergeld. Are your children still in education, they even qualify longer up to the age of 25. Currently the monthly payments are 250 € for each child. Do you already receive child benefits from another country and the amounts are smaller? In this case you would…


Worldwide Exchange of Financial Account Information

The German state participates on a multilateral agreement with more than 90 states worldwide to exchange financial account information. This information will include your personal details as well as deposits on your bank accounts and investment income. With this information the German state has the possibility to check, if you declared your investment income in…


How the New US Tax Plan Impacts You

On December 20th, 2017, the United States Congress approved sweeping new changes to the US Tax Code. While many of the changes impact taxes for the 2018-2019 tax filing season, there are a number of changes that took effect even before. As an expat, understanding these upcoming changes is the key to help you better…


What is the Capital Gains Tax Rate in Germany?

There is no separate tax on capital gains. Capital gains are subject to income tax as regular income however: there is no capital gains tax on a property used as a private home there is no capital gains tax on a  property held for more than 10 years capital gains on shares are taxed at a…


How to Avoid Double Taxation

Germany has concluded Double Taxation Agreements with most countries around the world ( ). These Double Taxation Agreements determine which country has the right to levy tax on your income. These are the rules to make sure you are not taxed twice on the same income by providing a system of tax exemptions or tax credits…


Can I Get German Pension Contributions Refunded After I Leave Germany?

The most frequent situation we come across for the purposes of getting German pension contributions refunded is the following: – You have worked in Germany as a regular employee for less than 60 months – You have paid into the German pension system during this time – You do not hold an EU citizenship – You…


When Are Taxes Payable in Germany?

Income tax is paid by employees on a monthly basis at the source through a withholding mechanism. Self employed individuals need to make a projection of their income for the tax year. Based on this projected figure, the tax office will work out a preliminary tax bill. This tax bill is then paid in four…


Foreign Income

Is Foreign Income Taxed in Germany? If you live and work in Germany you are usually taxable in Germany on your foreign income worldwide. All your income needs to be reported to the German authorities.  If you have income outside of Germany the Double Taxation Treaty between Germany and the country where your income comes from…


Freelancer Next Steps: How to Pay VAT Taxes in Germany

Your Finanzamt will ask you to initially submit monthly VAT returns for your VAT taxes (unless you are registered as a “Kleinunternehmer” – a micro business).You will have to report your monthly VAT liability to the Finanzamt and make VAT payments accordingly. The reporting (“Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung”) is done electronically via where you also find the relevant forms.  At…


Tax Residency

For tax purposes, nationality is only a relevant factor in very rare cases. Many tax benefits available to German nationals are equally available to EU nationals, but not in all cases to non-EU nationals. There is no specific “Expat Tax Status” in Germany like you find in some other jurisdictions. In other words: As an…


How Do I Register As A Freelancer/Contractor In Germany?

How to Register as a Freelancer/Contractor? You need to register with your local Finanzamt as “selbständig”. You can find the required registration form at: Your Finanzamt will then issue a tax number for you. The registration is not as complicated as the 8 page form would suggest. You need to provide information on your…


Where Can I Find Tax Forms and My Local Tax Office?

Can I Submit Forms Online? You can submit your German tax forms online at You need to make sure to download (for free) the most current version of the tax software onto your system. Alternatively you can also get the required software (for free) on CD-ROM from your local Finanzamt. Please note that you also need…


Can An Expat Claim Relocation Expenses When Moving To Germany?

If you can show that you relocated for work purposes you can make a claim for your relocation expenses. In most cases it is sufficient to show that you took up work in Germany within a reasonable period after relocating. You can claim the cost of transport for yourself and all members of your family…


How Do I Show VAT on Invoices as a Freelancer or Contractor in Germany?

If you did not register as “Kleinunternehmer” you will in most cases have to show VAT on invoices if your customer is located in Germany. The most frequent domestic case we come across in which a VAT exemption applies is teaching income (if your customer is VAT exempt). If you provide a consulting service to…


How Does Renting/Owning/Selling Property Affect My German Taxes?

How Does Renting Out a Home Overseas Affect My German Taxes? For German tax purposes the income from a foreign rental property is calculated according to German tax rules. Under German tax rules you can offset interest payments on a mortgage, a 2% annual depreciation on the purchase price of the building and any other…
